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- ARAZI (N.), MATONDA (I.), MULUMBWA LUNA O.) LIVINGSTONE SMITH (A., 2024, Kasongo-Tongoni: a nineteenth-century caravan town in Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 1–23. [DRC].

- BREMOND (L.), ALEMAN (J.C.), FAVIER (C.), BLARQUEZ (O.), COLOMBAROLI (D.), CONNOR (S.E.), CORDOVA (C.E.), COURTNEY-MUSTAPHI (C.), DABENGWA (A.N.), GIL-ROMERA (G.), GOSLING (W.D.), HAMILTON (T.), MONTADE (V.), Andriantsilavo H.I. RAZAFIMANANTSOA (A.H.I.), POWER (M.J.), RAZANATSOA (E.), YABI (I.), VANNIÈRE (B.), GPD contributors, 2024, Past fire dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa during the last 25,000 years: Climate change and increasing human impacts, Quaternary International. [Paleo].

- CICCARELLA (M.), LAURENT (R.),  SZPIECH (Z.A.), PATIN (E.),  DESSARPS-FREICHEY (F.),  UTGÉ (J.), LÉMÉE (L.), SEMO (A.), ROCHA (J.) & VERDU (P.), 2024, Nested admixture during and after the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on the island of São Tomé, Genetics, [Region, Genetics].

- CORNELISSEN (E.), 2024, The Stone Age of the Congo Basin, Oxford Research Encyclopedias, African History, [Region].

- COUTROS (P.R.), MATONDA (I.), DOMAN (J.H.), PACHIAROTTI (S.), MESFIN (I.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2024, The beginning of the Iron Age south of the Congo rainforest: the first archaeological investigations around Idiofa (Congo), c. 146 BC – AD 1648, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 59, Published online: 12 Jan 2024. [DRC]

- de SAULIEU (G.), NLEND NLEND (P.), NGOUOH (F.), SOKONA (B.) & MINEGUE ABANDA (L.), 2024, Description préliminaire de la séquence céramique de la région de Nachtigal amont (sud Cameroun), Afrique : Archéologie et Arts, 20 [Cameroon].

- EPOSSI NTAH (Z.L.) & CULTRONE (G.), 2024, Chemical, mineralogical and physical study of Late Iron Age ceramics from Nditam: Cameroon (West central Africa), Heritage Science, 12:6. [Cameroon].

- JUNGNICKEL (K.V.M.), SEIDENSTICKER (D.), HUBAU (W.), MEES (F.), CORNELISSEN (E.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2024, The Late Pleistocene and Holocene chronocultural and anthracological open-air sequence from Mukila (DRC), Quaternary Science Reviews, 337, 1 August 2024, 108752. [DRC].

- MESFIN (I.), COUTROS (P.R.), MATONDA (I.), VOSGES (J.), TEXIER (P.-J.), BENJAMIM (M.-H.) & BOSTOEN K.), 2024, 14.3 ka year old high-skilled points production from Mitshakila, Democratic Republic of Congo, Journal of Archaeological Science, posted 18 December 2024. [DRC, Region].

- MOUNIER (M.) VILLOTTE (S.), KACKI (S.), MORA (P.), ESPINASSE (L.), ZAMKE DEMPAYO (J.), GERIN (C.), MEUNIER (Q.) & OSLISLY (R.), 2024, Population affinities in pre-colonial West Africa: The case of the burial cave Iroungou (Gabon, 14th–15th century CE), American Journal of Bological Anthropology. [Gabon].

- MOUTELET BOUGHAMA (B.B.), 2024, Les occupations humaines au néolithique de l'Estuaire du Gabon, Master 2 Thesis, Université de Strasbourg. [Gabon].

- NIEBLAS RAMIREZ (L.), NDJONDJO MANGA (J.-P.), MAYO ILODIRI (W.), KOMBA YENDEMA (M.), VUTSEME SOKONI (L.), ILOMBELOMBE WEMBOLA (O.), CHAMPION (L.), NIKIS (N.), RICQUIER (B.) & LIVINGSTONE SMITH (A.), 2024, Mission 2023 du projet Banturivers dans la province de la Tshopo (RDC) : prospections et sondages le long du fleuve Congo et de la rivière Lomami, Nyame Akuma, 101, 60-67.[DRC].

- PADILLA-IGLESIAS (C.), BLANCO-PORTILLO (J.), PRICOP (B.), IOANNIDIS (A.G.), BICKEL (B.), MANICA (A.), VINICIUS (L.), & BAMBERG MIGLIANO (A.) , 2024, Deep history of cultural and linguistic evolution among Central African hunter-gatherers, Nature Human Behaviour. [Region]

- SEIDENSTICKER (D.), 2024, Pikunda-Munda and Batalimo-Maluba, African Archaeological Review, 41, published online March 28, 2024.[Congo, DRC]

- TAYLOR (N.), 2024, 'What sort of thing is an elephant?' Reviewing the evidence for a 'generic' MSA in Central Africa, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 59, 1, pp.53-75. [Region].

- VAN ACKER (S.), PACCHIAROTTI (S.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2024, The Introduction of Sugarcane in West-Central Africa: Insights from Comparative Bantu Word Histories, Nordic Journal of African Studies, 33, 1: 16-45. [Region].

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